Highlands Nutrition


Highlands Nutrition provides consultations for a variety of conditions and diseases including:

Weight loss

Malnutrition (weight regain and weight maintenance)

Diabetes (controlling blood glucose levels)

Cardiovascular Disease (high cholesterol/lipids and hypertension)

Food intolerances/allergies (e.g. gluten, lactose, nuts, etc.) including coeliac disease

Bowel Health (constipation, diarrhoea, Crohn’s Disease, IBD, and IBS)

And a wide range of other chronic diseases such as cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, COPD, kidney disease, anaemia, eating disorders and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease

We also provide consultations for the following:

Preventative nutrition to reduce the risk of chronic disease

Bariatric Nutrition – pre and post weight loss surgery

Weight gain/muscle bulking


Post-operative nutritional regimes

General health and fitness enquiries

Nutrition for different life stages (pregnancy, lactation, infants, children, teenagers, students, professionals, elderly)

Nutrition consultations for those already leading a healthy lifestyle

Our philosophy

There is no one 'right' way to eat and exercise. What works for you may be different to what works for someone else. And the truth is there are many ways for you to have a healthy lifestyle and eating patterns.

I consider your needs, goals, lifestyle and commitments alongside your medical history. I provide you with personal, practical advise based on scientific evidence. I support you in balancing your health goals with your work, family and life goals.

Maintenance for Life

Healthy lifestyle change is not just about the short term, whether it be commencing on a healthy diet, or an exercise program or weight loss. It is about long term maintenance of these healthy habits over the next year and years to come. I work with you to cement healthy changes into your daily life.


Dietitian nutritionist

Annette Billiau

Since graduating my Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics in 2018, I have continually added to my knowledge base with the following: SOS Approach to Feeding; InsideOut Eating Disorders; ChildD National Paediatric Dietetic Training; and Bariatric Surgery Nutrition. Currently I am completing a Graduate Diploma in Diabetes Education through James Cook University.

But the most influential to me was the Psychology of Eating, Weight Management and Body Image by Glenn MackIntosh - Weight Psychologist. Most adults know what to eat and what not to eat. I am interested in the link between the brain, food, body and mind. Think of me as your relationship counsellor between you and your body.

Find us in The Hub

Contact us:


0412 998 729